
How search engines changed the world

We’ve seen some big changes over the past couple decades. Nowadays, we have instant access to information in a way we’ve never had before. No need going to the local library when we search engines at our fingertips.

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Founded on September 4 1998, its obvious to say that Google has changed the world. While Google isn’t the only search engine, it is by far the most popular. Today, Google has so much control over the internet and has showed individuals that technology can help solve so many human needs.

Top 10 Search Engines In The World
Top search engines

So how has Google changed the world?

1. Immediate information – No matter what device we are using whether its a laptop, phone or PC, constant and immediate information can be delivered to us within seconds through Google. Google enables individuals to search up information and receive answers immediately, making it the most convenient search engine in the world.

2. Changed our thinking – For hundreds and thousands of years, answers were received by asking other people. Nowadays, if there is something we are unsure about, Google is guaranteed to have the answer. Google can do our thinking for us, with little trouble. Overtime, Google has resulted in individuals thinking less, relying on Google to provide answers for them. Whether or not this is a positive or negative impact, it surely has changed the world. With little notice, people have adapted to this way of life, resulting in it becoming the new normal.

3. Marketing Benefits (Search Engine Marketing) – Google allows individuals to take advantage of advertising online by giving businesses the opportunity to reach different customers on multiple devices. Clients can be reached instantly by search engine marketing, promoting an organisation through search engines to meet its objectives by delivering content in the search listings ( Chaffey et al, 2012). This effective method helps raise brand awareness for businesses, allowing them to put their ads in front customers.

4. News – With news being delivered and uploaded as soon as possible, Google allows individuals to find our news from all around the world. If you missed the news on the television or radio, Google will have it for you. Google ensures we are updated with what is happening in our world by providing news for everyone regardless of location and time.

5. Working methodology – Google has made it easy for individuals to communicate within the work world and has allowed us to create, develop and learn to the best of our abilities. Through the use of Google Docs, we are now able to share, upload and edit work instantly with our colleagues.

Search engines have the ability to change our culture. They have become our best friend, giving us the answer to everything. What search engine do you use most?

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